規模: 0.46 ヘクタール / 3,200 のブドウの木
土壌: マールストーン
品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン / メルロー
ブドウ畑の植樹年: 2016
A century ago, Šempas was home to around 900 people. Not much has changed. The people are different, but their nicknames and beliefs remain similar. And so it is with the land of Šempas, which has been owned by the same families for generations. The quality of the wines that come from Breg (the slope) has long marked this land with great respect. This is no ordinary land. The 21st century has brought changes even to the centuries-old ritual of a village like my hometown. A series of coincidences has also enriched our farm with part of the slope. If my sons continue on my path, this small piece of great promise awaits them in the slope.