規模: 3,60ヘクタール / 22,550本のブドウの木
土壌: 50% 泥灰岩、50% 砂岩
露出: 丘陵地帯はわずかに北に傾いています。
品種: 23 種類の異なる品種の混合ブドウ畑
ブドウ畑の植樹年: 1991、1993、2000、2012、2013、2016
植栽密度: 8,000 および 5,000 ブドウ/ha
植栽方法: 1.2m x 1m の蔓/ha および 2m x 1m

A vineyard in which different wine varieties grow mixed with each other comes closest to the cycles of planting and existence that apply in nature. Pear, apple and cherry trees on the terraces only complete the cycle. The Brajda vineyard is located at the foot of the Brce. The foothills in viticulture are increasingly losing their value, even if the soil near the foothills is usually richer in minerals. Increasingly frequent spraying is one of the reasons why the vine is a plant of higher altitudes.
In Brajda, this relatively low-lying plot, I am growing my hopes. Here we have planted various wine varieties that have never before been present in our country. However, their specificity means that today they are as harmonious with the territory as the indigenous Vipava varieties once were. Today, these new varieties from the land of Vipava can thrive completely without pesticides, without copper and without sulphur. And because I believe in the word “Cheers!”, planting this vineyard is so natural for me.