Size: 2.92 ha/ 17,500 vines
Exposure: Plateau, slightly to the East
Altitude: 114m – 103m
Soil: northern and central part Marlstone , SW part Clay
Varieties: Merlot, Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc
Planting density: 1.2m x 1m and 2m x 1m
Year of vineyard planting: 2013/2016
A teraceless plateau, sloping gently down to the lake below. Merlot and Barbera are planted on the north side of Rimac, while Cabernet Franc is grown on the south side. Its grafts come from the Jazbine vineyard planted by my father in 1972. The youthful lushness of the vines means that there is a high Cabernet Franc fruit drop rate and sometimes we face significant yield losses. The road to future success leads through the door of perseverance. Our faith in this springs from the flavour with which this land of the Rimac signs its wines.